Maple Hill Farm Barton Vermont, owned by Nick and Stephanie Lussier, is one of 70 tree farms in Vermont. Located in the heart of the Northeast Kingdom, they grow more than 11,000 Christmas trees on their 30-acre maple and Christmas tree farm. The husband-wife team offer Choose & Cut and Mail Order Christmas trees, artisan wreaths, and a wide selection of maple and honey products.

Site of Governor Scott’s Annual Tree Cutting
At a time when officials say some parts of the U.S. are seeing a national wholesale tree shortage, Vermont’s Agency of Agriculture indicates Vermont farms are equipped to meet the demand this winter. To kick off the 2021 holiday season and to celebrate Vermont’s tree farmers, Governor Scott and Agriculture Secretary Anson Tebbetts selected Maple Hill Farm Barton Vermont for the annual tree cutting. They cut Christmas trees to decorate the Pavilion Building which houses the Governor’s office in Montpelier. Quite an honor for the Lussiers! See the story and photos in Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets Nov. 30, 2021 News.
Balsam & Fraser Fir Trees
Maple Hill Farm Barton Vermont’s sturdy Balsam and Fraser Fir trees thrive in the farm’s rich soil and the Northeast Kingdom’s cold climate. With literally thousands of trees to choose from, they welcome visitors to come to the farm to choose and cut their perfect Christmas tree or to order freshly cut trees online. Shipped trees are available in three sizes.

Annual Reindeer Holiday Market at Maple Hill Farm Barton Vermont
On the first Sunday in December, families flock to the farm for Reindeer Holiday Market, now an annual farm tradition. To offer this exciting holiday experience, Maple Hill Farm Barton Vermont partners with the Vermont Reindeer Farm. Located in nearby Orleans VT, they are home to the only real live reindeer in the Green Mountain State.

Artisan Wreaths Straight from the Farm
Looking to deck your doors and outbuildings with festive holiday wreaths? Maple Hill Farm Barton Vermont makes beautifully decorated wreaths from fresh Balsam greens harvested from their trees. Available in two sizes at the farm or by ordering online. See additional details about their artisan wreaths.

Check out Maple Hill Farm Barton Vermont’s New Website Created by Pam Knights Communications
Pam Knights Communications recently created a new website for the farm, funded in part by grant funds from Northern Community Investment Corporation. To learn more about Maple Hill Farm Barton Vermont’s tree farm, maple products and honey, visit