Brand Building Through Public Relations
Interested in Media Attention for Your Business?
As the former PR director for a major cooking school and a statewide land conservation nonprofit, Pam Knights understands what constitutes a unique and sound story angle, how to package it, and how to work with the media. As a branding strategist Pam understands the importance of preparing your brand for media attention.
Earned Media through Public Relations
Media placements don’t come easily, especially these days when competition is so tight and budgets have been cut for journalists. Magazine and television coverage is not meant to be bought, but must be earned through strategic planning and hard work.
Pam has had many media successes over the years from Good Morning America, the New York Times, Gourmet magazine, CBS Sunday Morning, numerous Associated Press stories, and multiple placements in regional magazines, local newspapers and TV stations.
Featured PKC Client Examples
Magazine Articles
Cedar Circle Farm

A Vermont Top Ten Fall Event in 2007, Cedar Circle Farm’s Annual Pumpkin Festival led to feature articles in Upper Valley Life, Image, and Vermont Magazine through the promotion done by Pam Knights Communications over several years.
Wayside Restaurant

In 2018 the Wayside Restaurant, Bakery & Creamery celebrated 100 years of continuous operation; surviving two pandemics. Pam Knights Communications handled customer communications and PR for this benchmark event; covered here by Best of Central Vermont magazine.
Scott Farm Orchard

One of the country’s largest producers of heirloom apples, Scott Farm Orchard was featured in UpCountry magazine for their work in preserving over 130 heirloom apple varieties. Pam Knights worked with Scott Farm for more than 10 years to promote their farmstand, workshops, festivals, and the historic vacation rentals surrounding the farm in Dummerston VT.
Video & TV Coverage
Forgotten Pandemic: Lessons from 1918
CBS Sunday Morning
Pam Knights worked with Brian Zecchinelli to publicize the Spanish Flu Memorial commissioned by their family in 2018. The 4-ton “Remembrance Bench” honoring the 50+ million lives lost worldwide was crafted from Barre granite by Rock of Ages and installed at the renowned Hope Cemetery in Barre, VT. The ceremony took place 100 years after the deadly Spanish Flu took its toll. 102 years later the COVID pandemic hit. The Spanish Flu Memorial received widespread coverage leading to this March 6, 2022 segment by Marsha Teichner on CBS Sunday Morning.
The Wayside Restaurant Celebrates
100 Years!
Pam Knights Communications handled the PR for the Wayside’s 100th Anniversary of continuous operation. It was a pleasure to work with Eva Sollberger who created a Stuck in Vermont video segment at the community celebration. Video courtesy Seven Days. The benchmark anniversary garnered over 30 major media mentions to include Associated Press, US News & World Report, Newsday, WCAX-TV, NECN and VPR.
Sharpen Your Brand through Public Relations
Public Relations goes well beyond a press release and an article in the news. PR is how you present your brand to the public. It is a reflection of a business’ brand promise.
Pam Knights helps you figure out what that looks like; and develops PR-based strategies to help elevate your brand image, boost brand loyalty, and grow your business
Book Launch Promotions
Whether it’s an important business announcement, a benchmark achievement or a notable special event, it’s important to craft the right messaging, and to deliver it via a combination of customer communications, social media, advertising, email marketing, and public relations.
Unique people and special events offer effective public relations opportunities; such as these two amazing authors that Pam Knights had opportunity of working with to promote their books.
Koren: In the Wild

In 2018 Vermont’s second Cartoonist Laureate and beloved New Yorker cartoonist Ed Koren with Button Street Press published Koren: In the Wild, an award winning collection of cartoons. Pam Knights handled the PR for his new book and for his 2019 Independent Book Publishers Association Benjamin Franklin Award for Humor. Associated Press did a story on the book that was picked up nationwide, along with local press coverage, and a feature story in Vermont Magazine.
Archer Mayor: 30 Years of Joe Gunther Novels

Pam Knights Communications helped to promote New York Times Best Selling Author Archer Mayor’s 30th novel in his acclaimed Vermont-based Joe Gunther mystery series, Bomber’s Moon. In addition to promoting many New England book signings and radio interviews, Vermont Public’s Jane Lindholm did a Vermont Edition Live show with Archer Mayor: 30 Years of Joe Gunther Novels. Photo courtesy of Archer Mayor

The books we publish are diverse: murder mysteries, a collection of New Yorker cartoonist Ed Koren’s work, among others. Pam’s help in getting the word out and especially in publicizing Ed Koren’s latest book has been terrific. She is thorough and tireless, and creative throughout. She even shows up at events and helps sell books!"
– Margot and Archer Mayor