Brand Building through Special Events
Educational programs and special events help to educate visitors about your business and the products you offer in exciting, tasty, and interactive ways. Pam Knights Communications helps businesses create and promote special events that engage customers, build brand recognition, and increase revenue!
Annual Events on Working Farms
Scott Farm Orchard

For many years Pam Knights Communications produced the brochures and promoted the workshops and events for Scott Farm Orchard. Pam also created and promoted special events and workshops for the Inn at Baldwin Creek, Cedar Circle Farm & Education Center, the Inn at Weathersfield, and In the Kitchen with Bronwyn.
Pam has extensive experience in planning, organizing and promoting special events. As former director of public relations and special events for New England Culinary Institute, she created nationally recognized events such as the Culinary Quadrathlon, Culinary Weekends at the Inn at Essex, the “Growing Gourmet” children’s cooking class series, and the guest chef and cookbook author programs.
Cooking & Crafting Classes at Inns & Farms
The Inn at Weatherfield - "All About Braising" Class

After starting Pam Knights Communications in 2000, Pam helped to launch the baking class program at King Arthur Flour’s Baking Education Center. She then introduced cooking and crafting classes at several Vermont and NH restaurant and lodging properties; such as The Inn at Baldwin Creek, Peyton Place Restaurant, The Inn at Weathersfield, the Crisanver House, and on many farms. James Beard Award winning cookbook author and cooking teacher Molly Stevens gave an “All about Braising” class as part of the Inn at Weathersfield’s culinary weekend series that PKC helped to develop and promote. Photo by Pam Knights
Handcrafted Weekends

Pam worked in collaboration with lodging properties to set up handcrafted weekend programs such as a “Happy Hooking Country Inn Weekend in Vermont” featuring rug hooking specialist Stephanie Allen Krauss owner of Green Mountain Hooked Rugs in Montpelier, VT. In addition Pam organized quilting and knitting getaways. Photo by Robert M Eddy
On-Farm Cooking Classes

For an innovative Thanksgiving cooking class and promotion, Pam helped to organize a Turducken Cooking Class for The Farmers Kitchen at Turkey Hill Farm in Randolph Center, VT. Linda Doane of Maple Ridge Sheep Farm instructed participants on how to debone a locally raised turkey, a duck, and a chicken and combine them with a savory dressing for “One Big Tasty Bird”! The class was a big hit with both participants and the press. Photo by Pam Knights
Literary Events, Open Houses & Tours
Historic Estate Fundraising Tour

Pam Knights Communications helped The Landmark Trust USA turn a seasonal sensation into a spectacular fundraising event. The Trust owns Scott Farm and the four authentically restored historic rental properties surrounding the farm. Now annually in late May, when the spectacular 100-yard rhododendron tunnel is in full bloom, tours are offered of Naulakha, the main house where Rudyard Kipling wrote The Jungle Books, the Kipling Carriage House, and the Barn museum, otherwise not open to the general public. Proceeds from the tours go towards advancing The Landmark Trust’s historic preservation work. Photo by Kelly Fletcher
Cookbook Author Events

Pam Knights had the pleasure of working with Bronwyn Dunne to develop the In the Kitchen with Bronwyn logo, marketing materials, blogs, and special events. The step daughter of Judith Jones, Julia Child’s lifetime editor, Bronwyn Dunne’s classes and programs centered on Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child and other notable cookbook authors. The events were held at the Lakeview Inn in Greensboro, VT
Open House Farm Tours

Open house tours are a low key way of inviting the local community onto a property to see and learn what a business offers and to meet the faces behind it. When free and open to the public they provide an opportunity for some no cost publicity. A certified organic vegetable farm in Fairlee, VT, Root 5 Farm offers customized 3 season CSA shares delivered to Upper Valley pickup sites. Pam worked with farm co-owner Danielle Allen and the Cohase Chamber of Commerce to develop an open house event for the chamber’s Annual Farm Tour. Pam also created a marketing plan for the farm and consulted with Danielle on their website. Photo courtesy of Root 5 Farm.
Creating Memorable Experiences for Locals & Travelers
Memorable travels involve memorable experiences. According to Travel in 22: A Look Ahead published by Trip Advisor, when making future travel plans 73% of people seek out new experiences, 69% seek out food venues, 63% are interested in history and cultural destinations, and the same percentage are seeking special events. If you have an appropriate property and are well staffed, it makes good marketing sense to start attracting new visitors through special events. Events also help to strengthen the local economy and grow a more cohesive local community.
On Farm Dinners
Galusha Hill Farm

Pam Knights Communications worked with Galusha Hill Farm Lodge and Retreat Center to create their branding, marketing materials and website as they were planning to open their beautiful timber frame lodge and farm house as a corporate and group retreat center in Topsham, Vermont. This amazing and delicious on-farm feast featured lamb, pork and vegetables raised there on the organic farm. Photo courtesy of John Harkins

Pam Knights Communications has been a real joy to work with. Pam and her team have helped our two companies with advertising and promotion, branding, website development, events, social media and e-blast templates. Pam has an amazing eye for detail and catches things that slip right by us. She also has great ideas for furthering our mission, expanding our product line and has put us in touch with writers and journalists who can help promote our businesses. Both of our businesses have made great strides in a short period of time with her help and guidance.
– Kelly Carlin, Operations Manager,
The Scott Farm Market and Orchard & The Landmark Trust USA